
As you may have noticed, I enjoy ranting and expressing my opinions. Therefore, I created Akuryo Taisan as a way for me to do so. Akuryo Taisan consists mainly of rants about BSSM or other anything else anime related.
You will see the name "Hino Rei" on this site a lot. That used to be my rant pen name. I used it to coincide with the "akuryo taisan" title. But that is no more ^^ I now just sign my rants "SerenityMoon". So the newer rants will NOT have the Hino Rei signature.
Many ask me about the site name itself. "Akuryo Taisan" is the phrase shouted by Hino Rei/Sailor Mars when she throws her anti-evil scrolls at the enemy. It roughly translates to: Evil, Begone! My rants are against negative points; hence, the "evil begone" relates to them. Hope that clears it up ^.^
Some people basically view my ranting as just plain bitching. Maybe it is *shrug* but I have a right to express my views on anything I want. You don't have to agree. Hell, you don't even have to read them ^.^ But if you do, keep in mind that I am in no way trying to change anyone's opinion. I accept any feedback, whether you agree or disagree. I also accept flames, but be aware that if you send me a flame, I WILL post it on my site and make sure the sender is publicly humiliated. Thank you for your time!


1/4/02: New rant! ^^; i know, can you believe it? It's rant number 5. As you regular visitors will notice (and even the newbies), this rant is in a different format than the others. it's more organized and is signed with my own name instead of Hino Rei's (read above). That's how they will look from now on (yes yes, i will update again -_-;;)

~Akuryo Taisan~