
Here you will find various Anime Wallpapers for your use! They are used for your computer desktop, NOT your website. DO NOT put these in your own wallpaper collections on your sites. The wallpapers are organized with text links by Anime and then by characters. Enjoy!

Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon


Group 1
Mizuno Ami 1
Peruru 1
Sailor Galaxia 1
Sailor Moon 1
Sailor Moon 2
Sailor Moon 3
Sailor Moon 4
Usagi 1
Usagi 2
Usagi 3


Group 1
Sailor Moon 1
Sailor Moon 2

Shoujo Kakumei Utena


Utena & Anthy 1


|Backgrounds| |Banners| |Buttons| |Wallpapers| |Layouts| |Requests| |AMV|

Background made by Goddess Goodies, edited by me.